Zoological Zeppelin
Welcome to the enchanting world of Little Witch New School Life! Join Luna, a unique girl with an extraordinary dream of attending the prestigious Magic Academy. This exciting adventure begins as Luna prepares herself for her new life as a young witch. With her heartfelt aspiration now within reach, she’s determined to make the best out of her magical education.
As Luna prepares for school, she realizes the importance of having the perfect wardrobe. The question looms: what should a witch look like? From hats and robes to magical accessories, every little detail is crucial in creating her enchanting appearance. Dive into the game and assist Luna in choosing the most fabulous outfits that will reflect her personality and flair as she embarks on this enchanting journey.
However, looking magical is just the beginning. As a newbie in the world of magic, Luna needs essential supplies to excel in her studies. What items should she gather to kickstart her learning experience? With your guidance, help Luna select the necessary tools, books, and potions that are vital for her journey into the realm of sorcery. Step by step, you can help her become the most skilled witch in her class!
Get ready to immerse yourself in a delightful experience filled with magic, creativity, and fun. Let your imagination run wild as you assist Luna in gearing up for her magical adventures at the academy!
To play, simply click on Luna’s wardrobe to browse through an array of magical outfits and accessories. Drag and drop items to dress her up and prepare her for school. Next, venture into the inventory to gather necessary supplies for her magical journey. Ensure she’s ready for her classes with a perfect blend of style and practicality!
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